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讲座时间 2013-09-23 17:11:44 讲座地点

为丰富和拓宽学生的知识面,拓展学生的国际化视野,提高学生的科学与文化素养,营造良好的校园文化氛围。了解时代前沿科学技术研究方向及进程,掌握本专业先进理论思想和应用技术,增强学生的科研兴趣,国际学院本学期开设了“关于跨文化交流及国际科技前沿系列讲座” 选修课。

请已经选课的同学查看“附件1 跨文化交流及国际科技前沿系列讲座选课学生名单”,确认选课成功。本课程固定在第二教学楼3号报告厅授课,上课时间通常为周三下午。请同学们密切留意校园网最新讲座公告,并下载“附件2 跨文化交流及国际科技前沿系列讲座签到表”,每次参加讲座时携本人的签到表到现场签到。

9月25日(周三)14:00,国际学院请到美国运输与物流协会大中华区首席代表Mr. Chung Tam为同学们做“中国学子,走进美国”专题讲座。


Mr.Chung Tam的简介




Chung Tam持有瑞尔森大学的工业工程学士学位和多伦多大学的工商管理硕士。他同时获得美国运输与物流协会的美国注册物流师。

Mr. Tam is the Chief Representative for the American Society of Transportation and Logistics in Greater China. He was responsible for the establishment of the first AST&L office outside of the United States in Jan. of 2007. The mission of AST&L’s China office is to expand the education and training components of the organization to companies within China and opportunities for cooperation between American and Chinese companies and universities.

He works closely with various American government agencies and logistics companies to facilitate dialogue and information sharing with Chinese counterparts to promote US-China cooperation in transportation and logistics.

Mr. Tam has initiated the annual Sino-American Logistics Conference, Sino-US Transportation Safety Institute, US-China Cold Chain Council, and the Yangtze-Mississippi Dialogue as platforms for US-China cooperation.

Mr. Tam has been an invited speaker to numerous international events in China and U.S., and serves as an advisor to the U.S. government on transportation and logistics issues.

Prior to joining AST&L, he was President of Frontier Consulting Group, a Canadian logistics and supply chain management consulting firm.

 Mr. Tam holds a bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering from Ryerson University and a Master of Business Administration from University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management.

He also holds the AST&L Certification in Transportation and Logistics.

附件1 跨文化交流及国际科技前沿系列讲座选课学生名单.doc

附件2 跨文化交流及国际科技前沿系列讲座签到表.doc




