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4月25日14:30Francisco Saldanha​:物流网络设计和设施选址问题:多阶段随机解决方案的价值

讲座时间 2019-04-25 14:30:00 讲座地点 物流学院101会议室

演讲人:Francisco Saldanha教授


题目:Logistics Network Design and Facility Location: The value of a multi-period stochastic solution

时 间:4.25(周四) 14:30-16:30

地 点:物流学院101会议室


演讲摘要:In this presentation, different modeling aspects related with the inclusion of time and uncertainty in facility location problems are discussed. The goal is to better understand problems that are at the core of more comprehensive ones in logistics network design.讨论设施选址问题中对时间和不确定因素的建模,目的是更好地理解物流网络设计中的核心问题。

演讲者简介:Francisco Saldanha教授为葡萄牙里斯本大学(University of Lisbon)统计与运筹学系教授,2012年获得最佳EJOR综述论文奖,Computer and Operational Research主编(JCR SCI二区)。

